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Coffee is a commonly consumed beverage in our daily lives. On an average the world consumes 1.6 billion cups of coffee each day. Coffee beans are actually seeds of coffee berry which is a fruit, it is called coffee beans due to its resemblance with beans.

If you do not consume coffee, here are some reasons why you should consume coffee:

1. Coffee without additive is almost a zero calorie drink. According to a USDA nutrient database, 8 ounce of coffee has just about 2 calories.

2. Coffee may save your liver from alcohol related disease. Coffee can reduce the risk of cirrhosis which can cause cancer and liver failure. Research said for every cup of coffee they drank, participants were 22% less likely to develop alcoholic cirrhosis.

3. Coffee may drastically lower the risk of type II diabetes. People who drink several cups of coffee a day are least likely to be diabetic. The reduction in the risk ranges from 23% to a drastic 67%.

4. Drinking a cup of caffeinated coffee significantly improves blood flow. But don't forget, Too much of anything is harmful. Despite its various benefits, too much caffeine in your system can be lethal and can lead to heart attack or seizure. [if !supportLineBreakNewLine] [endif]

Coffee is served in various forms, the difference is mainly in preparation. Espresso is coffee brewed by forcing a small amount of nearly boiling water to finely grounded coffee beans. Americano is basically prepared by adding hot water to espresso. It was during 1941, the American soldiers were used to drinking filter coffee with a little sugar in it. Whereas in Europe, espresso was famous. American soldiers during World War II would add extra hot water to their espresso to make it milder that is how Americano was named after the American soldiers. Frappuccino is a trademark brand of Starbucks for a line of blended coffee beverages that are served cold. It is prepared by adding coffee or other base ingredients (strawberries, chocolate, banana, etc.) blending them with ice and other various ingredients, generally serving them with whipped cream and sauces.

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